JW Associates has sales representatives throughout Indiana and Kentucky. This listing will provide name and contact information for our sales representatives and their territories.
Phone (812) 479-7547, Fax (812) 479-1151, Toll-Free Phone (888) 479-7547
J. Michael (Mike) Wittmer, President -- Southern Indiana and Western Kentucky
PO Box 2717, Evansville, IN 47728 -- e-mail:
Phone (812) 479-7547, Fax (812) 479-1151, Toll-Free Phone (888) 479-7547
Jim Walker, Vice-President -- Central Indiana and Eastern Kentucky
PO Box 40515, Indianapolis, IN 46240 -- e-mail:
Phone/Fax (317) 815-4618, Toll-Free Phone (888) 253-4206
Josh Wittmer, Sales Representative -- Southern Indiana and Western Kentucky
PO Box 2717, Evansville, IN 47728 -- e-mail:
Phone (812) 471-2819 Fax (812) 479-1151, Toll-Free Phone (800) 315-5006
To determine your specific sales representative, please contact Mark Lutz Toll Free at (800) 447-0437. Mark can also assist you with any of your customer service needs by phone or e-mail at
We, at JW Associates, look forward to working with you for all your furniture and equipment needs.